Student Handbook
Attendance is taken each morning at Churchill. According to Illinois state law, every parent or person in this state having charge, control, or custody of a child between the ages of six and seventeen is responsible for the child attending school. If a student will be absent for any reason, a parent or guardian must call 708-647-2200, the school attendance hotline, before 8:30am. This number provides access to a 24-hour voicemail.
There are two types of absences: excused and unexcused. Excused absences include illness, observance of a religious holiday or event, death in the immediate family, family emergency, or other reason as approved by the building principal. All other absences are considered unexcused. The school may require documentation explaining the reason for the student’s absence. If a student’s absence is excused or if a student is suspended from school, they will be permitted to make up all missed work, including homework and tests, for equivalent academic credit. Request for homework should be made when reporting an absence. Homework requests are honored when a student is out two consecutive days. Please contact the office by 8:30 a.m.
Students may arrive and begin to enter the building at 8:10am. Upon arrival at 8:10am,
- 3rd grade students enter the building on Center Avenue through door C
- 4th graders will enter the building through door F
- 5th graders will enter the building through door E
Upon entrance into the building, students will proceed to their homeroom class.
Parents dropping off students on Center Avenue are reminded that this is a drop off and go zone. To ensure safe and smooth traffic flow, we ask that parents remain in your vehicle and pull as far forward as possible, drop off their children, and pull away from the curb. Cars left unattended will be ticketed by the Homewood Police Department We appreciate your cooperation and attention to this matter, as waiting in this area causes a great deal of congestion on Center Avenue. U-turns are prohibited in the drop off and go zone. Late arrivals after 8:30am should enter the main office, door A.
Supervision Begins - 8:10am
First Bell - 8:10am
Tardy Bell - 8:30am
Dismissal - 3:15pm
Early Dismissal - 12:00pm
Students are dismissed at 3:15pm. If you need to adjust your child’s transportation arrangements, please call the office by 2:30pm. We are unable to make transportation changes after 2:30pm. Bus riders exit the building through the front door, door B. Walkers/car riders are dismissed from their assigned doors on Center Avenue. Students are expected to walk on all paved surfaces. Bike riders should walk their bicycles down the sidewalk until they are off school grounds. For parents in cars on Center Avenue, please line-up on Center Avenue in a single lane to avoid any bottleneck of traffic. We ask that once your child is safely buckled in your car, you pull away from the curb. We appreciate your cooperation and attention to this matter, as remaining in these spots causes traffic congestion on Center Avenue.
Breakfast and Lunch
Churchill students will have the option to purchase a grab-n-go style breakfast upon entering the building. Breakfast will be eaten in the student’s homeroom.
Churchill students have a 30-minute lunch period. Any students who are not yet finished eating are encouraged to remain to finish their meal.
Churchill students have a 30-minute lunch period. Any students who are not yet finished eating are encouraged to remain to finish their meal.
Please check Parent Portal frequently for breakfast/lunch account balances. Payment by credit card may be done online by 9:00am for that day.
Students will go outdoors for recess unless there is rain, heavy snow, or temperature/wind chill below 20 degrees or above 99 degrees. Students should come to school prepared to go outside. On snowy days, snow pants, gloves and boots are required to play in the snow. Students can participate in different zones during recess.
Student Birthdays
Student birthdays are recognized on our weekly announcements. Due to the increasing number of food allergies, we do not allow food to be brought to school and shared.
School Celebrations
Due to the increasing number of food allergies, we do not allow food to be brought to school and shared. If food is a part of any of these celebrations, it will be organized through the school office and parents will be notified in advance. School-wide classroom parties are held on Halloween, the last day before Winter Break and Valentine’s Day. Food for these events is ordered through the District’s Food Service Department.
Safety Drills
Safety drills will occur at times established by the school. Students are required to be silent and shall comply with the directives of school officials during emergency drills. There will be a minimum of three (3) evacuation drills, a minimum of one (1) severe weather and shelter-in-place drill, a minimum of one (1) law enforcement drill to address an active shooter incident, and a minimum of one (1) bus evacuation drill each school year. There may be other drills at the discretion of the administration.
Student Medication
Taking medication during school hours or during school-related activities is prohibited unless it is necessary for a student’s health and well-being. When a student’s licensed health care provider and parent/guardian believe that it is necessary for the student to take a medication during school hours or school-related activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to the child by completing a School Medication Authorization Form.
Extra Curricular Activities
Churchill School seeks to provide a broad and varied program of extra-curricular activities that will meet the needs and interests of our students. Students who represent Churchill School in extra-curricular activities must maintain behavioral eligibility. Students who do not meet Churchill standards will no longer be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activity. Participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege, not a right.
Clubs will meet 3:15-4:15pm on specific designated days. Students participating in extracurricular activities are expected to be picked-up after the activity has ended (4:15pm). Students who are not picked-up on time may be removed from the activity.
Music Activities
5th Grade Band will meet at James Hart School, 7:20-8:10am.
4th & 5th Grade Orchestra//Choir will meet at Churchill School, 7:20am-8:10am.
*Instrumental small group lessons will be scheduled during the school day.
*Instrumental small group lessons will be scheduled during the school day.
Dress Code
In cooperation with parents, the school will continue to encourage all students to dress appropriate for school activities. If a style of dress and grooming appears to be disruptive to the educational process or could constitute a threat to the safety or health of students, it will not be permitted in school. Students may be asked to change into other clothing that they may have at school. In some cases, the office may provide clothing.
Upkeep of the School Environment
All members of the Churchill learning community and those who use the building are responsible for our school cleanliness and appearance. Students will keep an orderly cubby/locker and are responsible for maintaining an environment throughout the school that is safe, clean, and organized. Students should take care of belongings and school property, pick-up papers, wipe tables, organize materials, etc. as they see a need or are requested to do so. Students will be periodically asked to help with these responsibilities and cooperation is expected.
Students will be expected to provide restitution for any damage they cause to property belonging to others.
Parent Portal
The Parent Portal allows easy communication between parents/guardians, students, school, and staff. The Parent Portal does require access to the Internet. The account remains active for as long as you have a student enrolled in District 153. You do not need to complete a new form each year. Forms may be access on the District website or picked up in the school office. Parents/guardians can view lunch accounts, fees, bus information, household contact information, immunizations, attendance, school calendars, schedules, grades, assignments, and report cards.
Electronic Devices
Cell phones, Smart watches, and other communications devices used while traveling to and from school may not be used in the school building during school hours. These items must be turned off and placed inside their backpack. The school and school district are not responsible for the loss, theft or damage to any electronic device brought to school. There are other electronic devices that will not be allowed in school or on school grounds. These include but not limited to, laser pens, electronic games, and cameras.
If a student has on their person or is using any prohibited electronic devices at school, the following steps will take place:
1. The phone or electronic device will be confiscated and returned to student at the end of the day.
2. The phone or electronic device will be confiscated, and a parent will be contacted to pick the item up.
3. The phone or electronic device will be confiscated, and a parent will be contacted to pick the item up. Then, an agreed upon plan will include the student turning in the cell phone or any electronic device at the beginning of the day and picking it up at the end of the day.
1. The phone or electronic device will be confiscated and returned to student at the end of the day.
2. The phone or electronic device will be confiscated, and a parent will be contacted to pick the item up.
3. The phone or electronic device will be confiscated, and a parent will be contacted to pick the item up. Then, an agreed upon plan will include the student turning in the cell phone or any electronic device at the beginning of the day and picking it up at the end of the day.
At no time are students to take pictures or recordings without the permission of school staff.
Social Networking
School officials may investigate or require a student to cooperate in an investigation if there is specific information about activity on the student’s account on a social networking website that violates a school disciplinary rule or policy. During an investigation, the student may be required to share the content on their device that has been reported to allow school officials to make a factual determination.
Student Transportation
The school provides bus transportation to and from school for students who qualify. We ask that students and parents familiarize themselves with the following information and encourage observance of these guidelines and regulations. Violations of the below regulations may result in disciplinary action by the building administration.
Safety Regulations and Guidelines:
- 1. Students may ride only on assigned buses unless approval is granted by administration.
- 2. Be at bus stop 5 minutes before pick-up time.
- 3. Remain on the sidewalk or designated pick-up area while waiting.
- 4. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before moving toward it to board.
- 5. Enter and leave bus in an orderly manner. Watch your step and use the handrails.
- 6. Loud talking, singing, or profanity is not allowed.
- 7. Always remain in your seat while the bus is in motion.
- 8. Students may only be dropped off at designated points. Students crossing a street after being dropped off should walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver to signal before crossing the road. Never run in front of a car or bus.
- 9. Eating or drinking is not allowed on the bus.
Bus Conduct Discipline Progression:
- Warning, parent contacted
- Bus Letters & parent contact
- Bus suspension (1-10 days) after 3 bus letters
- Recommendation for expulsion from the bus
Churchill welcomes families and community members to visit and engage with our learning community. All visitors, including parents, are required to enter through the front office, door A and proceed immediately to the main office. Visitors should identify themselves and inform office personnel of their reason for being at school.
Visitors must sign in, identifying their name, provide a valid driver’s license, the date and time of arrival, and the classroom or location they are visiting. Approved visitors must take a tag identifying themselves as a guest and place the tag to their outer clothing in a clearly visible location. Visitors are required to proceed immediately to their location in a quiet manner. All visitors must return to the main office and sign out before leaving the school.
Any person wishing to confer with a staff member should contact that staff member to make an appointment. Conferences with teachers are held, to the extent possible, outside school hours or during the teacher’s conference/preparation period.
Visitors are expected to abide by all school rules during their time on school property. A visitor who fails to conduct himself or herself in a manner that is appropriate will be asked to leave and may be subject to criminal penalties for trespass and/or disruptive behavior.
All school volunteers must complete the “Volunteer Information Form” and be approved by the building principal prior to assisting at the school. Forms are available in the school office. Some teachers utilize parent volunteers in the classroom. The individual teachers make this decision. Teachers who desire parent volunteers will notify parents. For school-wide volunteer opportunities, please contact the building principal.
Volunteers are required to check in and out at the main office, provide a valid driver’s license, and receive a visitor badge before going to their destination.
Bulldog Behaviors
By following the Bulldog Behaviors, individual students can earn Bulldog Bones, which can be redeemed in our school store. Classrooms earn PAWS, a group reward that can earn a whole-class reward party. Failure to abide by the rules may result in discipline.
Classroom Behavior
Students are responsible for following classroom rules and expectations at all times. They are expected to use courteous behavior towards all students and staff. All staff members will intervene and assign discipline in a manner that aligns with our school philosophy on educating the whole child and our PBIS framework.
Possible Disciplinary Actions for Classroom Discipline
Churchill School will adhere to its values of educating the whole child when issuing discipline. All staff members are informed and trained in Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and will use the research-based effective strategies to teach students who demonstrate a lack of behavior management.
The teacher has autonomy and authority in their classroom to issue discipline that aligns with our values and PBIS framework. Classroom discipline may include, but not limited to: verbal warning, conference with the student, parent note/email, phone call, behavior reflection/bounce back, office referral, etc.
REQUIRED PARENT CONFERENCE – A Required Parent Conference (RPC) is conducted anytime the teacher and administration determines that a student’s behavior requires the combined attention of the student, parent, teacher, and administration.
BUILDING INTERVENTION – The teachers(s) will bring the problem to the building Student Support Team (SST), which consists of teachers, social worker, counselor, psychologist, and building administrators. Discussion will take place and may result in further intervention strategies and a timeline to monitor progress and update strategies. Strategies may be a continuation of those implemented by the teacher.
Referral to the Office
The classroom teacher will communicate with parent/guardian regarding all classroom behavior. Repeated behavior that is disruptive to the learning environment will be reported to school administration for further disciplinary action.
Any office referral will prompt an investigation and discussion with all those involved with the incident and/or student, an appropriate action will be determined by administration. All discipline dispositions will align with our responsibility to teach and develop the whole child and our PBIS framework.
Any office referral will prompt an investigation and discussion with all those involved with the incident and/or student, an appropriate action will be determined by administration. All discipline dispositions will align with our responsibility to teach and develop the whole child and our PBIS framework.
Parents will be contacted via phone call or email. While we seek to partner with parents in educating their child, school discipline dispositions will be determined by school administration. Consequences in response to an office referral include but are not limited to: conference with student, conference with parent/student, office detention, restorative conference/assignment, restitution, alternate day programing, out-of-school suspension, and expulsion.
Bullying and/or Intimidation
Bullying and/or intimidation of others includes, but is not limited to, any repeated aggressive or negative gestures, or any written, verbal, or physical act that places another student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or property. This includes language conducted through electronic means, including but not limited to e-mail, Facebook, Snap Chat, Instagram, House Party, TikTok and any other social media. Bullying behavior that has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student is forbidden.
State Law requires a school district to notify the parent or guardian of a child who uses aggressive behavior, including bullying, at school. 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14. School board policy prohibits students using aggressive behavior while at school that does physical or psychological harm to someone else and/or urging other students to engage in such conduct. Prohibited aggressive behavior includes, without limitation, the use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, bullying, or other comparable conduct.
Fighting: (Verbal or written threats, or acts, directed towards another student) Consequences may include parent conference, loss of privilege, detention, alternate day programming, out-of-school suspension, or a recommendation for expulsion. In all but unusual cases, all parties involved in a fight will receive a similar consequence. Students should note that as a rule, putting hands on another student may result in an immediate alternate day programming or out-of-school suspension. Striking back in self-defense is considered fighting and will receive a consequence accordingly.
Although students may not be directly involved in a fight, by being in attendance we consider you a participant and that may result in disciplinary action or your removal from extra-curricular activities. If you are aware of a planned fight or one that has occurred, please notify an administrator immediately.
Stealing is a violation of Illinois law. A student who becomes involved in a theft of school property or the property of another person in the school may be suspended and reported to the proper authorities.
Anyone found guilty of vandalism will be held responsible for the cost, repair, or replacement. If the offender is a student, he/she may be subject to discipline and may have a police report filed against him/her. If the offender is an adult or a student from out of District 153, a report will automatically be filed with the police.
Students should never bring anything to school that could be viewed as a weapon. Any weapon or look-alike weapon/item found on school grounds will be confiscated. A student who uses, possesses, controls, or transfers a weapon may be expelled for up to two calendar years. The expulsion period may, however, be modified by the Superintendent, and the Superintendent’s determination may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the nature of the weapon/item, the student may be suspended and/or expelled from school and both the student and the weapon/item will be turned over to law enforcement. ILCS 5/10-27.1A. Those weapons/items not turned over to the police will have to be picked up by the student’s parent.
Violation of the Law
Students are subject to discipline in school for any acts punishable by any federal, state or local law or regulation.
School District Technology: Acceptable Use Policy for Students
Homewood School District 153 provides a wide range of technology resources to its students and staff for the purpose of advancing the educational mission of the District. All users of District technology equipment are expected to review and understand the Acceptable Use Policy and Procedures.
Internet access is being made available to students for the purposes of research, communication and education. It is the District’s intention to provide an Internet environment that is safe and appropriate for all students. The District is using an internet filtering system for all users of the electronic network. The system filters and limits access to most internet sites that contain objectionable material. However, access to the internet also brings the availability of material that may be of no educational value, abusive, racially biased or otherwise offensive. Once students become knowledgeable in the use of the internet, they may discover this controversial information. We cannot guarantee the appropriateness of the information students may encounter as they explore the internet’s resources. Use of the internet is an educational opportunity that requires users to act responsibly, ethically, and in accordance with the Acceptable Use Procedures for Students, and the student is ultimately responsible for his/her conduct on the internet.
Each student will be granted access to the District’s electronic network, including the internet, after registration for the school year unless denial of access is requested by his or her parent(s)/guardian(s). The Acceptable Use Procedures for Students will be published and distributed in the Student Handbook and will be reviewed with students by teachers each year. For denial of access, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) must send a signed and dated letter to the school requesting denial of access to the computers. The letter requesting denial of access should include the following information:
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name
- Student’s Name
- Student’s Grade
- Address and Phone number
- Reason for requesting denial of access
The School District is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable when using the network, or for any information that is retrieved via the internet. Furthermore, the District will not be responsible for any unauthorized charges or fees resulting from access to the internet.
The District reserves the right to monitor and review any information stored or accessed by District computers in order to analyze the use of systems and compliance with policies and procedures.
Students may use personal e-readers as allowed by the teacher. Students may not access the internet on these devices either through the districts Wi-Fi network or through a personal cellular data plan. Because the district cannot filter internet content on devices with personal cellular data plans, the district assumes no liability for students who ignore this rule and view inappropriate content on their personal devices. The district is not liable for damage or loss of equipment brought in by students.
Acceptable Use Guidelines for Students
Appropriate use includes but is not limited to the following guidelines or examples. The District reserves the right to create, modify and interpret the guidelines.
1. Protect your logon information from others. Do not use other users’ passwords or share your password with others
2. Use of the District’s electronic network and devices shall only be for educational purposes. Do not use the electronic network or devices for personal, entertainment, commercial or any other non-curricular purposes.
3. Respect District property and be responsible in the use of the equipment while it is in your care.
4. Comply with copyright laws at all times.
5. Do not “hack” the District’s network or access confidential information or files.
6. Do not destroy, modify or abuse the hardware or software in any way. (Example: Intentional breakage of the device or accessories, changing settings, removing labels, barcodes, or other identifying information.)
7. Do not delete or add software to District equipment or engage in practices that may threaten the network such as accessing files that may contain viruses.
8. Do not use District technology for illegal or inappropriate purposes.
9. Do not use the internet to access inappropriate or obscene material.
10. Do not reveal personal information about yourself or others.
11. Be ethical and courteous and use appropriate language.
12. District technology may not be used to interfere or disrupt other users, services or equipment.
13. Do not use District technology for commercial or non-curricular activity.
14. Do not engage in “cyberbullying.” Cyberbullying will not be tolerated.
3. Respect District property and be responsible in the use of the equipment while it is in your care.
4. Comply with copyright laws at all times.
5. Do not “hack” the District’s network or access confidential information or files.
6. Do not destroy, modify or abuse the hardware or software in any way. (Example: Intentional breakage of the device or accessories, changing settings, removing labels, barcodes, or other identifying information.)
7. Do not delete or add software to District equipment or engage in practices that may threaten the network such as accessing files that may contain viruses.
8. Do not use District technology for illegal or inappropriate purposes.
9. Do not use the internet to access inappropriate or obscene material.
10. Do not reveal personal information about yourself or others.
11. Be ethical and courteous and use appropriate language.
12. District technology may not be used to interfere or disrupt other users, services or equipment.
13. Do not use District technology for commercial or non-curricular activity.
14. Do not engage in “cyberbullying.” Cyberbullying will not be tolerated.
The failure of any student to follow the terms of the Acceptable Use Procedures/Guidelines for Students will result in the loss of privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action.